The article provides guidance on how to make decisions about which teaching strategies to use, based on current research. It is important for teachers to be aware of a variety of strategies and how they can be effective in the…
App-based Education for Children
Digital game-based learning apps and how they can be used to support a child’s development. The apps are designed to be entertaining while also serving an educational purpose. Children’s literacy and math skills are important not only for doing well…
Educational Practices for kids up to 8 years old
This chapter discusses some of the key educational practices that can support the development and early learning of children from birth through age 8. There are several principles for instructional practices that are generally applicable to all students, regardless of…
Child Development and Early Learning
Child development is the study of how children grow and learn. Early learning is the study of how children learn things like language or how to count. The domains of child development and early learning are different areas of research…